Wasifa… celebrated her brother’s murder

On Wednesday afternoon, January 2, 2019, during the return of Rajab Mohamed from his work, the sons of his sister, Wasifa, attacked him and beat him with sticks and white weapons until he died, while their mother, the sister of the victim, ululated for his death.

The forementioned was not a cinematic scene but an incident that happened in Al Borombol village in Atfih in Giza.

For more than a year and a half, Wasifa has been inciting her sons to kill their uncle. She wanted to avenge her son, who was killed by his relatives. The mother held her brother and his daughter responsible for causing the feud and her son’s murder; because of his affinity with the accused.

The incident began in mid-March 2016 when Azza Rajab, the victim's daughter, married a young man ten years older than her and lived next to the house of her aunt, Wasifa.

The victim's brother said that, over time, an emotional relationship developed between the wife and Wasifa's grandson. They killed the husband on April 2, 2016, on the evening, and the police arrested them and referred them to the court, which sentenced them to life imprisonment.

In mid-2017, the murdered husband's brother decided to avenge him. So, he set his target as the lover's uncle, Wasifa's son, monitored his movements and followed him during a funeral in the village, and showered him with fire from an automatic weapon, killing him and another farmer who happened to be present.

Wasifa held her niece (the mistress) responsible for what happened, and she has been inciting her sons to kill their uncle. She tortured them morally and deprived them of any appearance of joy and pleasure. According to the victim’s brother, “she was throwing dirt at the food, and telling them how did you eat while your brother was killed, if you didn’t avenge him, get out from the country.”

News spread in the village that the sons intended to kill their uncle. The victim's brother said, "The wise men of the village and members of the Egyptian Parliament intervened, to try to end the dispute and convince the sons that their uncle did not commit a sin until he was killed," but their attempts were unsuccessful.

The sons defined to kill their uncle on Wednesday, January 2, 2019, afternoon. They waited for him while he was returning from work on a motorcycle. They threw huge stones at him to confuse him and bring him down. As soon as he fell to the ground, two of them finished off him with a white weapon "dagger", stabbing him several times in the head, then the third immobilize him, and they slaughtered him from the back of the neck and left him drown in his own blood, while the fourth fired several shots into the air from an automatic rifle, rejoicing in revenge and Wasifa ululated for his death.

Atfih Police Station detectives arrested the four sons involved in the murder of their uncle.

A security source told Masrawy :that the investigations revealed that the mother incited the sons to kill their uncle, however, she did not participate in the murder, pointing out that the four sons confessed to committing the incident, denying the mother's participation with them.


Sohair… revenge with money